爱尔兰15岁儿童的吸烟率是欧洲最低的,但吸烟率很高,而且饮食习惯差。 Ireland's 15-year-olds have Europe's lowest smoking rate but high vaping use and poor diet habits.
经合组织《健康一瞥报告》显示,爱尔兰15岁人口吸烟率最低(7%),是欧盟大麻使用率最低(4%)的国家之一。 The OECD Health at a Glance report shows that 15-year-olds in Ireland have the lowest smoking rate (7%) and one of the lowest cannabis usage rates (4%) in the EU. 爱尔兰是年轻人常用电子烟的第四大国家, However, Ireland ranks fourth for regular vaping among young people, with over 10% of 15-24 year olds using vapes. 尽管吸烟和酒精消费率较低,但几乎一半15岁的人每天不吃水果或蔬菜,20%超重或肥胖。 Despite low smoking and alcohol consumption rates, almost half of 15-year-olds do not eat fruits or vegetables daily, and 20% are overweight or obese. 报告还注意到爱尔兰在体育活动和男童的HPV疫苗接种率方面取得成功。 The report also notes Ireland's success in physical activity and HPV vaccination rates for boys.