新加坡的长吉机场几乎与旅客大流行前的水平相匹配,其中中国位居前列。 Changi Airport in Singapore nearly matches pre-pandemic passenger levels, with China leading the surge.
新加坡的Changi机场在2024年出现大幅反弹,达到旅客人数前水平的99.1%,乘客人数增加14.8%,达到6 770万人。 Changi Airport in Singapore saw a significant rebound in 2024, reaching 99.1% of pre-pandemic passenger levels, with a 14.8% increase to 67.7 million passengers. 中国成为最高来源市场,交通量比2023年几乎翻了一番,超过了COVID前水平6%。 China became the top source market, with traffic nearly doubling from 2023 and surpassing pre-COVID levels by 6%. 机场的航班和新的航空航线也有所增加,对2025年超过人口流动前的交通量感到乐观。 The airport also saw a rise in flights and new airline routes, with optimism for exceeding pre-pandemic traffic in 2025.