亚特兰大机场是2024年世界最繁忙的机场,前10个美国机场有4个。 Atlanta airport tops world's busiest in 2024, with four U.S. airports in the top 10.
2024年,哈特斯菲尔德-杰克森亚特兰大国际机场是世界上最繁忙的机场,乘客人数为6 270万人,其次是迪拜国际和东京羽田。 In 2024, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport was the world's busiest, with 62.7 million passengers, followed by Dubai International and Tokyo Haneda. 4个美国机场名列前10名,达拉斯福特沃思、丹佛和芝加哥奥黑尔也占主要地位。 Four U.S. airports ranked in the top 10, with Dallas Fort Worth, Denver, and Chicago O'Hare also featuring. TSA报告美国有创纪录的旅客数量,特别是在重大节日期间。 The TSA reported record passenger volumes in the U.S., especially during major holidays.