巴基斯坦的天然气管道损坏扰乱了奎达和其他地区的供应,造成严重短缺。 Gas pipeline damage in Pakistan disrupts supply to Quetta and other areas, causing severe shortages.
巴基斯坦俾路支省一座受损的天然气管道中断了包括奎达和周围城镇在内的一些地区的供应。 A damaged gas pipeline in Balochistan, Pakistan, has disrupted supply to several areas including Quetta and surrounding towns. 损害原因不清楚,尽管怀疑是破坏。 The cause of the damage is unclear, though sabotage is suspected. 修理工作预计需要12小时左右。 Repair work is expected to take around 12 hours. 同时,拉瓦尔品第和卡拉奇也面临严重的煤气短缺,许多居民由于天气寒冷和频繁卸载,依赖昂贵的液化石油气。 Meanwhile, Rawalpindi and Karachi also face severe gas shortages, with many residents relying on expensive liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) due to cold weather and frequent load shedding.