巴基斯坦的拉合尔和卡拉奇因寒冷天气和基础设施缺陷面临严重的天然气短缺。 Pakistan's Lahore and Karachi face severe gas shortages due to cold weather and infrastructure flaws.
巴基斯坦的拉合尔和卡拉奇由于在寒冷天气和基础设施问题上的需求增加而面临严重的天然气短缺。 Lahore and Karachi in Pakistan are facing severe gas shortages due to increased demand in cold weather and infrastructure issues. 煤气载荷管理在许多领域导致低压力和停电。 Gas load management has led to low pressure and outages in many areas. SNGPL和SSGC正在努力修复分销网络,但危机迫使许多人改用昂贵的液化石油气。 SNGPL and SSGC are working to fix the distribution networks, but the crisis has forced many to switch to expensive LPG. 居民和贸易商呼吁改善天然气供应和政策变化。 Residents and traders are calling for better gas supply and policy changes.