在佛罗里达州埃斯坎比亚县,一名男子拒绝放下武器后,代表们用 AR-15 开枪射击了他。 Deputies shot a man with an AR-15 after he refused to drop his weapon in Escambia County, Fla.
2024年11月9日, 佛罗里达州埃斯坎比亚县发生一起军官参与的枪击事件。 An officer-involved shooting occurred in Escambia County, Florida, on November 9, 2024. 议员对下午10时30分左右的枪声报道作出反应,一名男子用AR-15步枪开枪射击。 Deputies responded to gunfire reports around 10:30 PM and were fired upon by a man with an AR-15 rifle. 尽管命令放下武器,但嫌疑人拒绝,导致副手开枪射击。 Despite commands to drop the weapon, the suspect refused, leading deputies to shoot him. 嫌疑犯被送往医院。 The suspect was taken to a hospital. 缴获了手枪和AR-15步枪。 Both a pistol and the AR-15 were recovered. 所涉代表被安排行政假,佛罗里达州执法部门正在调查。 Deputies involved were placed on administrative leave, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is investigating.