2024年的卡尔加里法院处理了从狂欢到忽视和谋杀老年人等各种案件。 Calgary courts in 2024 dealt with diverse cases, from orgies to elder neglect and murder.
2024年,卡尔加里法院处理了几个引人注目的案件,包括一个居住区每两周一次的狂欢活动,在条件允许的情况下,这种活动得以持续。 In 2024, Calgary courts handled several high-profile cases, including a resident hosting bi-weekly orgies, which was allowed to continue under conditions. 一名妇女因忽视其年迈的父亲被判处软禁和缓刑。 A woman was sentenced to house arrest and probation for neglecting her elderly father. 其他案件涉及父亲为其杀害女儿的凶手寻求正义,以及一名患有自闭症的妇女寻求死亡医疗援助。 Other cases involved a father seeking justice for his daughter's killer and a woman with autism seeking access to Medical Assistance in Dying.