被判罪的杀人犯Keith Wiens是前皇家骑警官员,尽管家庭反对,仍获准短期休监狱假。 Convicted murderer Keith Wiens, a former RCMP officer, approved for brief prison leaves despite family opposition.
Keith Wiens是一名退休的皇家骑警官员,因2011年谋杀他的妻子而被定罪,加拿大假释委员会批准Keith Wiens两次无陪同缺勤出狱。 Keith Wiens, a retired RCMP officer convicted of murdering his wife in 2011, received approval from the Parole Board of Canada for two unescorted absences from prison. 尽管受害者的家人表示反对,但服无期徒刑的Wiens将在社区设施里度过批准的日子,实施旨在逐步重新融入社会的重返方案。 Despite opposition from the victim's family, Wiens, serving a life sentence, will spend the approved days at a community-based facility for re-entry programs aimed at gradual reintegration. 他必须遵循治疗计划,戒酒,避免与受害者家属接触。 He is required to follow his treatment plan, abstain from alcohol, and avoid contact with the victim's family. Wiens在2026年之前仍然没有资格获得完全假释。 Wiens remains ineligible for full parole until 2026.