一名Sudbury法官判处Misty Assinewai九个月监禁,罪名是盗窃、毒品罪和芬太尼私藏。 A Sudbury judge sentenced Misty Assinewai to nine months in jail for theft, drug offenses, and fentanyl possession.
一名Sudbury法官以14项罪名判处Misty Assinewai(母亲3岁)9个月监禁和2年缓刑,包括盗窃、有吸毒障碍的驾驶和持有芬太尼。 A Sudbury judge sentenced Misty Assinewai, a mother of three, to nine months in jail and a two-year probation for 14 charges, including theft, drug-impaired driving, and possession of fentanyl. 尽管她有记录,Leonard Kim法官仍对她的未来抱有希望,承认她在为人父母、处理愤怒和药物滥用方案方面所作的努力,在拘留期间获得20份证书。 Despite her record, Justice Leonard Kim expressed hope for her future, acknowledging her efforts in parenting, anger management, and substance abuse programs, earning 20 certificates in custody. 附加处罚包括五年吊销执照和武器禁令。 Additional penalties include a five-year license suspension and a weapons ban.