戈麦斯大主教为洛杉矶男性中央监狱的囚犯主持圣诞弥撒。 Archbishop Gomez led a Christmas Mass for inmates at Los Angeles' Men's Central Jail.
洛杉矶的José H. Gomez大主教在圣诞节日为在男子中央监狱的囚犯主持圣诞弥撒,这是支持他们康复的传统。 Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles led a Christmas Mass for inmates at the Men's Central Jail on Christmas Day, marking a tradition aimed at supporting their rehabilitation. 监狱里约有3400名囚犯能到场, 许多人在牢房里庆祝, 希望见到大主教。 With only a portion of the jail's roughly 3,400 inmates able to attend, many celebrated in their cells, hoping to see the Archbishop. Robert Luna警长感谢Gomez在节日期间帮助囚犯联系。 Sheriff Robert Luna thanked Gomez for helping inmates connect during the holiday.