虽然挑战依然存在,但印度妇女在技术崛起方面的领导地位,在全球公司中发挥着关键作用。 Women's leadership in Indian tech rises, with key roles at global firms, though challenges persist.
印度科技公司的女性领导人也在不断起, Indian tech sees a rise in female leadership, with women like Google's Preeti Lobana and Salesforce's Arundhati Bhattacharya taking top roles. 全球能力中心的增长(25%的技术就业妇女在那里工作)正在推动这一趋势,预计到2027年将达到27%。 The growth in global capability centers, where 25% of tech-employed women work, is boosting this trend, expected to reach 27% by 2027. 尽管取得了进展,性别偏见和家庭问题等挑战依然存在,51%的科技妇女35岁前离开劳动力队伍。 Despite progress, challenges like gender bias and family issues persist, with 51% of women in tech leaving the workforce by age 35.