12名Waikeria监狱囚犯被指控在圣诞节前夕因自制酒精而行为不当。 Twelve Waikeria Prison inmates were charged with misconduct for having homemade alcohol on Christmas Eve.
新西兰Waikeria监狱的12名囚犯在圣诞节前夕因自制酒精被捕后,面临不当行为指控。 Twelve inmates at Waikeria Prison in New Zealand faced misconduct charges after being caught with homemade alcohol on Christmas Eve. 十名囚犯被单独监禁,两人被转移到其他监狱。 Ten inmates were placed in solitary confinement, and two were transferred to other prisons. 该监狱暂时被关起来,但后来恢复了正常运转。 The prison was temporarily locked down but has since returned to normal operations. 官员们表示,尽管有限制,囚犯有时会囤积水果来制作自酿啤酒。 Officials stated that prisoners sometimes stockpile fruit to make homebrew, despite restrictions.