在赞比亚,一名喝醉的警官在除夕释放了13名囚犯,允许他们逃跑;他后来被抓获。 In Zambia, a drunk officer freed 13 prisoners on New Year's Eve, allowing them to escape; he was later caught.
新年前夕,13名囚犯在一名醉酒警察Titus Phiri释放后,从赞比亚Kanyama的警察局逃脱。 On New Year's Eve, 13 prisoners escaped from a police station in Kanyama, Zambia, after a drunk officer, Titus Phiri, freed them. Phiri拿走了另一名警官的钥匙,放囚犯走,告诉他们他们可以自由开始新年。 Phiri took keys from another officer and let the prisoners go, telling them they were free to start the New Year. 被控犯有袭击和入室盗窃等罪行的越狱囚犯仍然在逃,而Phiri后来被抓获。 The escaped prisoners, charged with crimes including assault and burglary, are still at large, while Phiri was later caught.