囚犯在Dauphin县监狱起诉一个月多的严厉惩罚,包括基本用品的损失。 Inmates sue over month of harsh punishments, including loss of basic supplies, at Dauphin County Prison.
宾夕法尼亚Dauphin县监狱的囚犯提出了联邦诉讼,声称他们受到长达一个月的集体惩罚,包括没收卫生纸、肥皂、温暖衣物和法律文书,以及切断电力和热能。 Inmates at Dauphin County Prison in Pennsylvania have filed a federal lawsuit claiming they were subjected to a month-long campaign of collective punishment, including the confiscation of toilet paper, soap, warm clothing, and legal paperwork, as well as the cutting of power and heat. 代表限制性住房单元的囚犯提起的诉讼声称,这些行动侵犯了他们的宪法权利,是对涉嫌使用合成毒品的报复。 The lawsuit, filed on behalf of the inmates in the restricted housing unit, alleges that these actions violated their constitutional rights and were in retaliation for suspected synthetic drug use. 自2019年以来,该设施因20多起羁押期间死亡而面临批评。 The facility has faced criticism for over 20 in-custody deaths since 2019.