在土耳其,急剧上升的通货膨胀迫使700万儿童陷入贫困,迫使他们工作。 In Turkey, soaring inflation pushes 7 million children into poverty, forcing them to work.
土耳其急剧膨胀的通货膨胀正迫使约700万儿童陷入贫困,迫使他们为家庭提供经济帮助。 Soaring inflation in Turkey is pushing about 7 million children into poverty, forcing them to help their families financially. 家庭在食品和住房费用高昂的情况下挣扎,导致年仅11岁的儿童去工作,有时为可回收的垃圾或出售物品而拾荒。 Families struggle with high costs for food and housing, leading children as young as 11 to work, sometimes scavenging for recyclables or selling items. 尽管政府实施社会计划, 专家仍表示援助不足, 原因是通货膨胀, 造成「失落一代」儿童失学。 Despite government social programs, experts say the aid is insufficient due to inflation, creating a "lost generation" of children missing out on education.