土耳其工人在生活费用危机中寻求更高的最低工资,但政府优先考虑控制通货膨胀。 Turkish workers seek higher minimum wage amid cost-of-living crisis, but government prioritizes inflation control.
土耳其工人要求大幅提高最低工资, 以应对严重的生活费危机, 但政府专注于控制通货膨胀, Turkish workers are demanding a significant increase in the minimum wage to tackle the severe cost-of-living crisis, but the government is focused on controlling inflation, which hit 47.09% in November. 这场冲突引发了具有挑战性的工资谈判,中央银行很可能推迟利率的削减。 This clash sets up challenging wage negotiations, with the central bank likely delaying interest rate cuts. 货币基金组织建议为穷人采取支助措施,而不是提高最低工资,以避免进一步通货膨胀和企业搬迁。 The IMF advises support measures for the poor instead of a minimum wage hike, to avoid further inflation and business relocations.