土耳其的经济挑战迫使青年失业率达到16.3%,56%希望出国留学。 Turkey's economic challenges drive youth unemployment to 16.3% and 56% aspire to study abroad.
土耳其的经济挑战,包括高通货膨胀和食品及教育费用上涨,对青年人的未来产生了负面影响。 Turkey's economic challenges, including high inflation and rising costs of food and education, negatively impact young people's futures. 30岁以下人口占44.9%,确保大学毕业生获得体面工作是一项挑战。 With 44.9% of the population under 30, securing decent jobs for university graduates is challenging. 56%的15至24岁土耳其青年由于经济困难而想在国外学习和生活,15至24岁青年的失业率在2024年第2季度达到16.3%。 56% of young Turks aged 15-24 want to study and live abroad due to economic hardships, and the unemployment rate for youths aged 15-24 reached 16.3% in Q2 2024.