Katra的业主抗议Vaishno Devi神庙附近的一个新绳索通道工程, 造成72小时关闭。 Business owners in Katra protest a new ropeway project near Vaishno Devi shrine, causing a 72-hour shutdown.
在卡特拉、查谟和克什米尔,当地企业业主发起了72小时的停业,抗议Vaishno Devi神庙附近拟议的250卢比绳索通道项目。 In Katra, Jammu and Kashmir, local business owners have initiated a 72-hour shutdown to protest a proposed Rs 250 crore ropeway project near the Vaishno Devi shrine. 该项目旨在促进朝圣者更安全的旅程,由于对环境影响和依赖传统朝圣路线的人失业的关切,该项目引发了反对。 The project, aimed at facilitating a safer journey for pilgrims, has sparked opposition due to concerns about environmental impact and job losses for those dependent on the traditional pilgrimage route. 关闭使商业活动停止,对朝圣者造成干扰。 The shutdown has halted commercial activities, causing disruptions for pilgrims.