堪萨斯城和大急流城的西班牙裔企业关闭,以举行“无移民日”抗议活动。 Hispanic-owned businesses closed across Kansas City and Grand Rapids for a "Day Without Immigrants" protest.
堪萨斯城和大急流城的西班牙裔企业周一关门,这是全国范围内反对移民政策的“无移民日”抗议活动的一部分。 Hispanic-owned businesses in Kansas City and Grand Rapids closed their doors on Monday as part of a nationwide "Day Without Immigrants" protest against immigration policies. 这些关闭影响了餐馆和商店,旨在突出移民的经济和社会贡献。 The closures, affecting restaurants and shops, aim to highlight the economic and social contributions of immigrants. 类似的抗议活动也发生在威奇托和其他城市,企业暂时关闭,以展示移民政策对当地社区的影响。 Similar protests occurred in Wichita and other cities, with businesses temporarily shutting down to demonstrate the impact of immigration policies on local communities.