巴基斯坦的抗议者封锁了中国的主要贸易路线, Protesters in Pakistan block key China trade route, demanding electricity amid outages.
巴基斯坦北部的抗议者正封锁卡拉科拉姆高速公路, 这条通往中国的主要贸易通道, Protesters in northern Pakistan are blocking the Karakoram Highway, a main trade route to China, due to power outages lasting up to 20 hours a day. 这阻止了贸易,阻断了700辆卡车,影响了旅游业。 This has halted trade, stranding 700 trucks, and affecting tourism. 抗议活动是在通过中国-巴基斯坦经济走廊推动贸易的努力中发生的。 The protests come amid efforts to boost trade through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. 政府未能解决抗议者对改善电力的要求, 导致封锁第四天。 The government has failed to resolve the protesters' demands for improved electricity, leading to the fourth day of the blockade.