Punjab的农民计划在12月30日全面关闭, 要求价格支持和减免债务。 Farmers in Punjab plan a statewide shutdown on Dec. 30, demanding price support and debt relief.
旁遮普邦的农民正在组织 12 月 30 日上午 7 点至下午 4 点在全邦范围内停工或“旁遮普邦 bandh”,以要求包括最低支持价格和债务减免的法律保障在内的要求。 Farmers in Punjab are organizing a statewide shutdown, or "Punjab bandh," on December 30, from 7 am to 4 pm, to press for demands including a legal guarantee for minimum support prices and debt relief. 这些抗议活动得到各团体的支持,是持续318天的农民运动的一部分。 The protest, supported by various groups, is part of an ongoing farmers' movement that has lasted 318 days. 旁遮普省首席部长敦促中央政府参与与农民的会谈。 Punjab's Chief Minister has urged the central government to engage in talks with the farmers.