抗议关闭美国大学,影响11,000个工作和税收的抗议活动继续;政府重新考虑决定. Protests against USC closure impacting 11,000 jobs and taxes continue; government reconsiders decision.
在伊斯兰堡抗议关闭巴基斯坦公用事业商店公司(USC)的抗议持续超过一周。 Protests in Islamabad against the closure of Pakistan's Utility Store Corporation (USC) have continued for over a week. 拟议的停工计划威胁到11 000多名雇员的工作,并破坏人们获得负担得起的商品的机会,特别是在紧急情况下。 The proposed shutdown threatens the jobs of over 11,000 employees and undermines access to affordable goods, especially during emergencies. 批评者声称,南加州大学贡献了 1.2 亿巴基斯坦卢比的税收,对低收入家庭至关重要。 Critics assert the USC contributes PKR 120 million in taxes and is vital for lower-income families. 由于公众的压力,政府正在重新考虑其最初作为削减成本措施的决定。 Due to public pressure, the government is reconsidering its decision, initially justified as a cost-cutting measure.