5名男子因阿姆斯特丹足球比赛暴动中的暴力行为被判处6个月以下徒刑。 Five men sentenced to up to six months for violence in Amsterdam soccer match riots.
阿姆斯特丹法院判处5名男子6个月以下徒刑,因为他们在11月阿贾克斯和麦克卡比·特拉维夫之间的欧洲统一联合会欧洲联盟比赛期间,在涉及亲巴勒斯坦示威者和以色列球迷的暴力事件中扮演的角色。 An Amsterdam court sentenced five men to prison terms of up to six months for their roles in violent incidents involving pro-Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli fans during a UEFA Europa League match between Ajax and Maccabi Tel Aviv in November. 暴动导致5人住院,20人受轻伤。 The riots left five people hospitalized and 20 others with minor injuries. 一些人谴责这种暴力是反犹太的,其起因是对加沙局势的不满。 The violence, which some condemned as anti-Semitic, arose from dissatisfaction with the Gaza situation. 另有6名嫌疑人,包括3名未成年人,将于晚些时候接受审判。 Six more suspects, including three minors, are due to face trial later.