Levi Fishlock因在英国旅馆抗争中暴动、纵火和袭击警察而被判处9年徒刑。 Levi Fishlock sentenced to 9 years for rioting, arson, and attacking police in UK hotel protests.
31岁的Levi Fishlock因8月在联合王国罗瑟姆假日旅馆外的暴动中扮演的角色而被判处九年徒刑。 Levi Fishlock, 31, has been sentenced to nine years in prison for his role in violent riots outside a Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham, UK, in August. Fishlock被判定犯有暴力乱纪和纵火罪,目的是危害生命,此前,他把木柴加在被推向旅馆的燃烧垃圾桶上,并袭击警车。 Fishlock was convicted of violent disorder and arson with intent to endanger life, after adding wood to a burning bin pushed against the hotel and attacking police vehicles. 这是夏季暴乱的最高刑罚之一, 超过60名男子因参与酒店骚乱而入狱。 This is one of the highest sentences for the summer's riots, with over 60 men jailed for their involvement in the hotel disorder.