5名俄罗斯男子因2021年在达吉斯坦机场进行大规模反以色列抗议而被判刑,造成受伤和被捕。 5 Russian men sentenced for mass anti-Israel protest at Dagestan Airport in 2021, causing injuries and arrests.
5名俄罗斯男子因在2021年10月一架飞机从特拉维夫抵达后在达吉斯坦机场举行的大规模反以色列抗议活动中扮演的角色被判处6至9年徒刑。 5 Russian men have been sentenced to prison terms between 6 and 9 years for their roles in a mass anti-Israel protest at Dagestan Airport in October 2021, following a plane's arrival from Tel Aviv. 抗议造成20多人受伤,数十人被捕。 The protest resulted in over 20 injuries and dozens of arrests. 审判因其敏感性而被推迟,普京总统在没有提供证据的情况下将骚乱归咎于西方和乌克兰。 The trial was moved due to its sensitivity, and President Putin has blamed the West and Ukraine for the unrest without providing evidence.