由于技术故障,美国航空公司在平安夜将所有美国航班停飞了一个小时。 American Airlines grounded all U.S. flights for an hour on Christmas Eve due to a tech glitch.
美国航空公司在平安夜遇到了技术问题,导致其所有航班在全国范围内停飞,导致延误和取消。 American Airlines experienced a technical issue on Christmas Eve, causing a nationwide ground stop for all its flights, leading to delays and cancellations. 美国联邦航空管理局 (FAA) 批准航班在大约一小时后恢复。 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) cleared flights to resume about an hour later. 该航空公司对给您带来的不便表示歉意,在假期旅行高峰期影响了成千上万的旅客。 The airline apologized for the inconvenience, affecting thousands of travelers during peak holiday travel.