美国-加拿大跨境机场将因使用率下降和维护问题而关闭。 A cross-border U.S.-Canada airport will close due to declining use and maintenance issues.
一个以其穿越美加边境的独特跑道而闻名的机场将关闭。 An airport known for its unique runway that crosses the U.S.-Canada border will close. 该机场是跨境合作的象征,但面临乘客数量下降和维护问题,导致官员们决定不再可行地继续开放。 The airport, a symbol of cross-border cooperation, has faced declining passenger numbers and maintenance issues, leading officials to decide it's no longer viable to keep it open. 此次关闭标志着这个曾经代表着两国之间轻松旅行的网站时代的结束。 The closure marks the end of an era for a site that once represented easy travel between the two countries.