Piney-Pinecreek边境机场跨越美国-加拿大边境,由于使用率低和成本高,在70年后关闭。 Piney-Pinecreek Border Airport, crossing the U.S.-Canada border, closes after 70 years due to low usage and high costs.
Piney-Pinecreek边境机场位于明尼苏达州Roseau和马尼托巴省Piney和马尼托巴省Piney附近,其跑道跨越美国-加拿大边界,由于使用率低和维修费用高,在70年后将于12月27日关闭。 The Piney-Pinecreek Border Airport, located near Roseau, Minnesota, and Piney, Manitoba, with its runway crossing the U.S.-Canada border, will close on December 27 after 70 years due to low usage and high maintenance costs. 明尼苏达州交通部宣布关闭, 理由是一项不再续签的国际协定已经到期。 The Minnesota Department of Transportation announced the closure, citing the expiration of an international agreement that won't be renewed. 机场对前往加拿大打猎和捕鱼的美国人来说很受欢迎,工作人员可以在没有定期海关检查的情况下越过边境工作。 The airport was popular for Americans traveling to Canada for hunting and fishing, and staff could cross the border for work without regular customs checks.