海地的主要机场在因帮派暴力而关闭后重新开放,尽管美国航班仍然被禁止。 Haiti's main airport reopened after a closure due to gang violence, though U.S. flights remain banned.
海地在太子港的主要国际机场因帮派暴力而关闭一个月后重新开放。 Haiti's main international airport in Port-au-Prince reopened after a month-long closure due to gang violence. 虽然重新开放被视为经济的“转折点”, 但美国对航班的禁令至少仍持续到星期四。 While the reopening is seen as a "turning point" for the economy, a U.S. ban on flights remains until at least Thursday. 海地部队和肯尼亚领导的联合国特派团加强了安全。 Security has been enhanced with Haitian forces and a Kenyan-led U.N. mission. 尽管重新开放,但最初没有安排航班,在持续不断的暴力中,局势依然紧张。 Despite the reopening, no flights are scheduled initially, and the situation remains tense amidst ongoing violence.