加拿大政府取消了Pickering土地的机场计划,而将其用于保护。 Canadian government cancels airport plans for Pickering land, to be used for conservation instead.
加拿大政府取消了在安大略省皮克林的土地上修建机场的计划,并将将该地区转移到加拿大公园进行养护。 The Canadian government has scrapped plans to build an airport on land in Pickering, Ontario, and will transfer the area to Parks Canada for conservation. 这项决定在长达50年的关于土地使用的辩论中结束。 This decision ends over 50 years of debate about the land's use. 政府将征求公众和土著社区的意见,以确定土地的未来用途,自1972年以来,土地一直用于建造机场。 The government will consult with the public and Indigenous communities to determine future uses for the land, which has been held since 1972 for potential airport construction.