美国商务部出于国家安全考虑, 提议禁止在连通的美国车辆上使用中国软件硬件。 The U.S. Commerce Department proposes banning Chinese software, hardware in connected US vehicles over national security concerns.
美国商务部计划出于国家安全考虑,提议禁止中国连通车辆和自主车辆的软件和硬件。 The U.S. Commerce Department plans to propose a ban on Chinese software and hardware in connected and autonomous vehicles due to national security concerns. 拜登行政当局担心中国公司收集数据和可能操纵车辆。 The Biden administration fears data collection by Chinese firms and potential manipulation of vehicles. 该条例将禁止从中国进口和销售受影响的车辆,规定30天公开评论期。 The regulation would prohibit the import and sale of affected vehicles from China, with a 30-day public comment period. 2027年将开始禁止软件,2029年1月将禁止硬件。 Software bans would start in the 2027 model year, and hardware bans in January 2029.