不列颠哥伦比亚省岩石滑坡使运送谷物的火车脱轨,破坏CN铁路的运行。 Rockslide in British Columbia derails grain-carrying trains, disrupting CN Rail operations.
周日, 哥伦比亚省波士顿巴尔附近的一场岩石滑坡导致大约十几个运输粮食的铁路车脱轨. A rockslide near Boston Bar, British Columbia, caused a derailment of about a dozen rail cars carrying grain on CN Rail's mainline on Sunday. 没有报告有受伤、火灾或危险货物。 No injuries, fires, or dangerous goods were reported. CN铁路公司为清除碎片在一夜之间工作,目的是在星期一下午之前恢复轨道并恢复火车交通。 CN Rail worked overnight to clear debris and aims to restore the track and resume train traffic by Monday afternoon. 然而,清理出轨汽车和溢出的谷物将持续数天至数周。 However, cleanup of the derailed cars and spilled grain will continue for days to weeks.