中国计划发行创纪录的4,110亿美元的债券,以刺激经济和遏制通缩。 China plans to issue record $411 billion in bonds to boost economy and counter deflation.
中国计划在明年发行4 110亿美元的国库特别债券,这是有史以来最大的发行额。 China plans to issue $411 billion in special treasury bonds next year, marking the largest issuance on record. 这些资金将支持消费、企业升级和创新部门,因为该国旨在刺激其经济放缓和抵消通缩压力。 The funds will support consumption, business upgrades, and innovation sectors, as the country aims to stimulate its slowing economy and counter deflationary pressures. 这一举动反映了北京在全球贸易挑战中利用增加的债务推动经济增长的战略。 This move reflects Beijing's strategy to use increased debt to boost economic growth amid global trade challenges.