沃尔隆贡大学计划削减1 400万美元,减少137个工作岗位,因为国际学生人数减少,短缺3 500万美元。 University of Wollongong plans to cut $14M and reduce 137 jobs due to a $35M shortfall from fewer international students.
Wolloongong大学计划通过实施自愿裁员,削减1 400万美元的开支,目的是在25个主题领域至少减少137个工作岗位。 The University of Wollongong plans to cut $14 million in expenses by implementing voluntary redundancies, aiming to reduce at least 137 jobs across 25 subject areas. 这一行动是因为国际学生入学率降低,预计将短缺3 500万美元。 This move is in response to a projected $35 million shortfall due to lower international student enrollment. 该大学已就18个科目达成初步协议,并计划在1月15日前公布详细的执行计划,同时向受影响的工作人员发出通知。 The university has reached preliminary agreements for 18 subjects and plans to release a detailed implementation plan by January 15, along with notifications to affected staff.