由于收入损失3 500万美元,沃尔隆贡大学计划在25个领域削减就业机会。 The University of Wollongong plans job cuts in 25 fields due to a $35 million revenue loss.
Wolloongong大学正在考虑削减25个研究领域的就业机会,因为国际学生入学率下降造成收入损失3 500万美元。 The University of Wollongong (UOW) is considering job cuts in 25 fields of study due to a $35 million revenue loss from declining international student enrollments. 拟议削减可能节省1 500万至2 000万美元,影响90个全职职位,工会估计有137个个人失业。 Proposed cuts could save $15-20 million and affect 90 full-time positions, with the union estimating 137 individual job losses. 数学、地理和历史等学科可能受到影响。 Disciplines like Maths, Geography, and History may be impacted. UOW管理部门正在进行协商,以确定这些领域的未来。 UOW management is engaging in consultations to determine the future of these areas.