苏德兰大学计划因财政紧张而削减76个工作岗位,对立的工会警告说,可能会对教育和声誉造成潜在伤害,并可能采取罢工行动。 University of Sunderland plans to cut 76 jobs due to financial strain, opposing unions warn of potential harm to education and reputation, with potential strike action.
苏德兰大学计划削减76个工作岗位,影响到其10%以上的学术人员,原因是学生学费冻结和国际入学人数减少造成财政紧张。 The University of Sunderland plans to cut 76 jobs, impacting over 10% of its academic staff, due to financial strains from a freeze on student fees and declining international admissions. 大学和学院联盟(UCU)反对这些解雇,警告他们可能会损害学生教育和学院的声誉。 The University and College Union (UCU) opposes these layoffs, warning they could harm student education and the institution's reputation. UCU官员表示,11月1日可能立即出现失业,如果不进行谈判,可能会威胁罢工行动。 UCU officials indicate that job losses could occur as soon as November 1 and threaten strike action if negotiations do not occur.