英国购房者现在的报价比要价低 3.6%,但由于买家争先恐后地赶上即将到来的加税,销售额飙升了 30%。 UK home buyers now offer 3.6% below asking price, yet sales surge 30% as buyers rush to beat upcoming tax hikes.
联合王国的购房者现在提供的价格比索要的价格低3.6%,比今年早些时候的3.2%有所增加,因为由于抵押贷款利率上升,他们对价格更加敏感。 Home buyers in the UK are now offering 3.6% less than the asking price, up from 3.2% earlier this year, as they become more sensitive to prices due to rising mortgage rates. 尽管如此,与去年相比,商定的销售额增加了30%,预计到2025年初销售量会很大。 Despite this, the number of agreed sales has risen by 30% compared to last year, with a large pipeline of sales expected in early 2025. 这一激增的部分原因是买方为避免高额印花税费用而提出的,该税额定于4月生效。 This surge is partly driven by buyers aiming to avoid higher stamp duty costs set to take effect in April.