新加坡核心通胀下降到1.9%,总体通胀略微上升至1.6%。 Singapore's core inflation drops to 1.9%, with overall inflation rising slightly to 1.6%.
新加坡核心通胀从10月的2.1%降至11月的1.9%, In November, Singapore's core inflation fell to 1.9%, down from 2.1% in October, due to slower food and services price increases. 由于私人运输成本逐步下降,总体通货膨胀率上升至1.6%。 Overall inflation rose to 1.6%, driven by a more gradual decline in private transport costs. 虽然通货膨胀率低于预期,但新加坡货币管理局预计将保持其目前的货币政策,经济学家预测今年晚些时候可能会放松。 While the inflation rates are lower than expected, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is expected to keep its current monetary policy, with economists predicting potential easing later in the year. MAS预测到2024年底,核心通货膨胀率将保持在2%以下。 The MAS projects core inflation to remain below 2% through the end of 2024.