沙特阿拉伯在塔利班接管后三年多恢复了在喀布尔的大使馆服务。 Saudi Arabia resumes embassy services in Kabul over three years after the Taliban takeover.
沙特阿拉伯在其驻阿富汗喀布尔大使馆恢复了活动,这是在塔利班接管后撤出其外交官三年多之后。 Saudi Arabia has resumed activities at its embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, more than three years after withdrawing its diplomats following the Taliban takeover. 该大使馆将于12月22日再次开始提供服务。 The embassy will start providing services again on December 22. 沙特阿拉伯继续通过其KSRelief组织提供人道主义援助,尽管塔利班政府未得到任何国家的承认。 Saudi Arabia has continued to offer humanitarian aid through its KSRelief organization despite the Taliban government not being recognized by any country.