在德国和塔利班政权的压力下,驻德国的阿富汗外交官辞职。 Afghan diplomats in Germany resign under pressure from both Germany and the Taliban's rule.
阿富汗驻波恩总领事和驻德国大使已辞职,原因是德国施加政治压力以及塔利班重新掌权造成复杂情况。 Afghanistan's Consul General in Bonn and Ambassador to Germany have resigned due to political pressure from Germany and complications arising from the Taliban's return to power. 德国三年来一直监督阿富汗的外交资金,请外交官下台,以避免复杂情况。 Germany has been overseeing Afghan diplomatic finances for three years and requested the diplomats step down to avoid complications. 没有一个国家正式承认塔利班政府,使阿富汗驻外使团处于岌岌可危的境地。 No country has officially recognized the Taliban's government, leaving Afghan missions abroad in a precarious position.