阿联酋接受塔利班大使证书,标志着阿富汗统治者的外交胜利。 UAE accepts Taliban's ambassador credentials, marking a diplomatic victory for Afghanistan's rulers.
阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)接受塔利班大使全权证书,标志着阿富汗统治者在外交上取得重大胜利,并进一步表明国际上在如何与塔利班接触问题上存在分歧,塔利班没有得到官方承认为合法政府。 United Arab Emirates (UAE) accepts Taliban's ambassador credentials, marking a significant diplomatic victory for Afghanistan's rulers, and further demonstrating the international divide over how to engage with the Taliban, who are not officially recognized as the legitimate government. 阿联酋的行动是继塔利班与区域强国建立的一系列双边关系之后采取的,例如乌兹别克斯坦三年来进行最高级别的外国访问。 UAE's action follows a series of bilateral relations forged by the Taliban with regional powers, such as Uzbekistan's highest-level foreign visit in three years. 联合国指出,由于该国对妇女和女童的持续限制,目前“几乎不可能”承认塔利班。 The UN states that recognition of the Taliban is currently "nearly impossible" due to ongoing restrictions on women and girls in the country.