阿富汗驻马斯喀特大使馆重新开放,以加强与塔利班领导的海湾阿拉伯国家的联系。 Afghan Embassy in Muscat reopens to strengthen ties with Gulf Arab nations, led by the Taliban.
阿富汗驻阿曼马斯喀特大使馆已重新开放,这是塔利班努力加强与海湾阿拉伯国家联系工作的一部分。 The Afghan Embassy in Muscat, Oman, has reopened as part of the Taliban's efforts to strengthen ties with Gulf Arab nations. 该大使馆由副发言人齐亚·艾哈迈德·塔卡尔宣布,将提供领事服务,旨在加强阿富汗与阿曼之间的政治、经济、社会和宗教合作。 Announced by deputy spokesman Zia Ahmad Takal, the embassy will provide consular services and aims to enhance political, economic, social, and religious cooperation between Afghanistan and Oman. 这一行动是在阿联酋最近接受塔利班大使之后采取的,这表明人们日益认识到塔利班的治理。 This move follows the UAE's recent acceptance of a Taliban ambassador, indicating growing recognition of the Taliban's governance.