乌兹别克斯坦委派阿富汗塔利班大使,这是一个重要的外交步骤。 Uzbekistan accredits an Afghan Taliban ambassador, marking a significant diplomatic step.
乌兹别克斯坦已经接受了阿富汗塔利班大使,这标志着孤立政权的一个引人注目的外交步骤。 Uzbekistan has accepted an ambassador from Afghanistan's Taliban, marking a notable diplomatic step for the isolated regime. 任命特使阿卜杜勒·加法尔·加扎尔(Abdul Ghafar Bahr)是2021年塔利班在中国和阿联酋之后重新掌权以来第三任特派大使。 Abdul Ghafar Bahr, the appointed envoy, is the third ambassador accredited since the Taliban's return to power in 2021, following China and the UAE. 这些国家在加强合作的同时,尚未承认塔利班政府,并列举了对人权的关切。 While fostering cooperation, these nations have yet to recognize the Taliban government, citing concerns over human rights. 塔利班还与一家乌兹别克公司签署了天然气勘探合同。 The Taliban has also signed a gas exploration contract with an Uzbek company.