秘鲁警察装扮成鬼灵精 抓获贩毒分子 在节日行动中查获可卡因 Peru police, dressed as the Grinch, caught drug traffickers, seizing cocaine in a holiday operation.
在秘鲁利马,一名穿成鬼灵精的便衣警官抓获了贩毒者,没收了可卡因和毒品设备。 In Lima, Peru, an undercover police officer dressed as the Grinch caught drug traffickers, seizing cocaine and drug equipment. 绿色中队以使用节日装饰而闻名的这种诡异行动突显了秘鲁在节日期间遏制毒品贩运的努力。 This quirky operation by the Green Squadron, known for using festive disguises, highlights Peru's efforts to curb drug trafficking during the holidays. 逮捕事件凸显了警察在节日期间对公共安全与保障的承诺。 The arrest underscores the police's commitment to public safety and security during the festive season.