在Fray Bentos-Puerto Unzue桥附近缉获了61公斤可卡因;司机被捕,涉嫌与国际贩毒组织有联系。 61 kg of cocaine seized near Fray Bentos-Puerto Unzue bridge; driver arrested, suspected links to international drug trafficking organization.
乌拉圭海事当局在圣马丁大桥Libertador General San Martin Bridge附近缉获了61公斤可卡因,将Fray Bentos和Puerto Unzue连接起来。 61 kg of cocaine was seized by Uruguayan maritime authorities near the Libertador General San Martin Bridge, connecting Fray Bentos and Puerto Unzue. 在例行检查期间,发现这些毒品藏在车辆的挡泥板、仪表板和门上。 During a routine inspection, the drugs were found hidden in the vehicle's fender, dashboard, and door. 司机被捕,案件因涉嫌与一个国际贩毒组织有联系而被移交有组织犯罪专门检察官办公室。 The driver was arrested, and the case was handed to the Specialised Prosecutor's Office for Organised Crime due to suspected links to an international drug trafficking organization.