嫌犯的名字叫"鬼灵精" 在南卡罗来纳州被捕 罪名是偷圣诞装饰和礼物 Suspect dubbed "the Grinch" was arrested in South Carolina for stealing Christmas decorations and gifts.
一名绰号“格林奇”的嫌疑人被描述为穿着圣诞老人服装的毛茸茸的绿色,他在南卡罗来纳州被捕,试图偷走圣诞装饰品和礼物。 A suspect, nicknamed the Grinch and described as furry and green in a Santa outfit, was caught in South Carolina trying to steal Christmas decorations and gifts. 当局幽默地指控嫌疑人 "一级偷窃圣诞节"和"三级洋葱呼吸" Authorities humorously charged the suspect with "first-degree stealing Christmas" and "third-degree onion breath." 这起事件涉及短暂追逐,嫌疑人在被拷打后被拘押。 The incident involved a short pursuit and the suspect was taken into custody after being tased.