安大略面临由青年主导的诉讼, 在加拿大最高法院质疑气候计划。 Ontario faces a youth-led lawsuit challenging its climate plan in Canada's Supreme Court.
安大略正在要求加拿大最高法院审理一项青年主导的诉讼,对该省的气候计划提出质疑。 Ontario is asking the Supreme Court of Canada to hear a youth-led lawsuit challenging the province's climate plan. 本案是加拿大的首例,认为政府减少排放量的目标违反了《权利和自由宪章》,影响到年轻人的生命权。 The case, a first for Canada, argues that the government's reduced emissions target violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, impacting young people's right to life. 该呼吁可以澄清各国政府应对气候变化的宪法义务。 The appeal could clarify constitutional obligations for governments to fight climate change.