加拿大最高法院负责审查青年判刑案件,审查未成年人何时可以作为成年人审判。 Canada's Supreme Court to review youth sentencing case, examining when minors can be tried as adults.
加拿大最高法院将审理一个关键案件,即未成年人何时可以作为成年人判刑,这可能会影响到全国青年判刑法,并影响其他西方国家。 Canada's Supreme Court will hear a pivotal case on when minors can be sentenced as adults, potentially affecting youth sentencing laws nationwide and influencing other Western nations. 上诉涉及两名在 16 岁和 17 岁时被判一级谋杀罪的年轻男子,他们辩称,他们成年后的判决忽视了他们“道德上的责备性降低”。 The appeal involves two young men convicted of first-degree murder at ages 16 and 17, who argue their sentences as adults ignored their "diminished moral blameworthiness." 政府认为,罪行的严重程度应当是判决决定的一个关键因素。 The government contends that the severity of the crime should be a key factor in sentencing decisions.