7 犹他州青年挑战该州的化石燃料政策,声称侵犯了宪法规定的生命权。 7 Utah youths challenge state fossil fuel policies claiming constitutional right to life violation.
7名犹他州青年对促进化石燃料开发的国家政策提出挑战, 声称这些法律由于空气质量恶化和气候变化, 侵犯了宪法赋予他们的生命权。 A group of seven Utah youths is challenging state policies that promote fossil fuel development, claiming these laws violate their constitutional right to life by worsening air quality and climate change. 犹他州最高法院正在考虑是否恢复原由下级法院以政治问题为由驳回的案件。 The Utah Supreme Court is deliberating whether to revive the case, previously dismissed by a lower court as a political question. 如果成功,诉讼可以将国家支持转向替代能源,并减少排放。 If successful, the lawsuit could shift state support toward alternative energy and reduce emissions.