2015年青年气候活动家诉联邦政府案,要求最高法院恢复环境权利。 2015 youth climate activist case against federal government for environmental rights revival sought at Supreme Court.
青年气候活动家向美国最高法院请愿, 要求恢复他们最初于2015年提出的针对联邦政府的诉讼, 声称这侵犯了他们享有清洁环境的权利。 Youth climate activists have petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to revive their case against the federal government, originally filed in 2015, claiming it violates their right to a clean environment. 在 5 月被第九巡回法院驳回后,由 Our Children's Trust 代表的该组织寻求执行令,以迫使下级法院审理他们的案件。 After a May dismissal by the 9th Circuit Court, the group, represented by Our Children's Trust, seeks a writ of mandamus to compel the lower court to hear their case. 近350 000人敦促拜登政府停止反对这项诉讼。 Nearly 350,000 people have urged the Biden administration to stop opposing the lawsuit.